5 Simple Rules Of Constructing Effective Email Marketing Headlines
There is no question about it, if you are looking for a way to expand your outreach, taking advantage of email marketing is the way to do it. However, there is one tiny secret that the most successful business owners know about when it comes to email marketing: The email subject line is the defining point of the entire process. If you want to make sure that your email does not go on a trip to the trash bin, there are five simple rules that you must keep in mind about the header.
1. Stay away from generic email headers.
If you send out a mass amount of emails to customers, don't ever go the generic route by always heading the email with the same generic subject line every time. Keep the subject header versatile and complementing of what the message inside the email actually is.
2. Reach out on a personal level.
If you know the recipient of your marketing email by name, use that to your advantage in email subject lines. If you can start the header with a customer's name, they will be much more likely to stop what they are doing and read the rest of your email.
3. Don't make your email look like spam.
Some thing in an email subject line will almost always come off looking like spam, and a spam folder is definitely not where you want your marketing email to land because anything you send going forward will probably end up in the same place. Skip words like "free" and spammy looking letter combinations or gibberish.
4. Keep it short and simple.
You will only have a few short words to get your point across because the email headline that shows up in an inbox is not that long and may even be cut off mid sentence. Keep your email subject header short and sweet, so the customer gets a full understanding of what you are trying to say before they even open the email.
5. Be mindful of your email voice.
Don't head a marketing email with all caps just to try to get a customers attention and don't be too pushy. There is a specific voice that works best with marketing emails and you have to be mindful of it if you want to make the best impression. Pretend that the customer you are reaching out to is standing across from you at the sales counter and keep the voice used in your email headline as close to this as possible: friendly and professional. Contact a marketing firm, like Marketing Samurai, LLC, for more help.